Issues Exploration Book Club Discusses “Warmth of Other Suns”

Thank you, Jackie Carter!
Last week our Issues Exploration Book Club convened to discuss “Warmth of Other Suns” by Isabelle Wilkerson. Jackie facilitated our discussion about the Great Migration of six million black people who left the south for the hopes of a better life in the north. We discussed the fact that American history is often portrayed as a singular narrative. Yet, we know that there are many versions of any story and the diversity and perspectives of storytellers change the story itself. In fact, the way history is taught in America is an example of institutionalized racism at a deep level.
This book is beautifully written and sensitively told through the eyes of three individuals who moved to Chicago, New York City, and Los Angeles. There is so much to share that we could only scratch the surface in our discussion. Jackie ended our discussion with this question, “what can you do to disrupt the status quo? How can you use your voice to call out … or call in … a more inclusive world?” You can listen to the discussion or better yet, read the book!