2024 St. Louis Forum Wellness Retreat

About the Retreat

The Wellness Committee is thrilled to offer the Forum's first ever overnight retreat Friday, October 25th through Saturday, October 26th. The committee is putting together an exceptional program to better connect members with each other and themselves. The retreat will be held at the gorgeous 21c Museum Hotel in downtown St. Louis with beautiful rooms, meeting spaces, spa facilities, and delicious food and drinks. 

Ticket Information

Members: $220.00
Your ticket includes three dynamic presenters, three activity breakout sessions, food and beverages (snacks, dinner, bar & sangria station, breakfast and beverages).
Overnight accommodations and parking are not included and must be purchased separately. See the Hotel Information below for FORUM-specific pricing and details.

Schedule of Events

Friday Afternoon & Evening

1:00 pm Registration Opens
1:45 pm Wellness Retreat Introduction/Kickoff
2:00 pm Mindful Wellness, a Moment by Moment Practice with Heather Rice, Ph.D.
3:30 pm Wellness Breakout Session 1
5:00 pm Workshop: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Leaders with Jenn Whitmer
6:00 pm Dinner
7:00 pm Evening Concludes: Enjoy the Bar, Sauna, Steam, Hot Tub

Saturday Morning

8:00 am Breakfast
8:45 am Saturday Morning Kickoff
9:00 am Wellness Breakout Session 2
10:30 am Wellness Breakout Session 3
11:30 am Next Steps with Rachel Hanson
12:00 pm Event Concludes


Click on the photos below for additional information.

Heather Rice, Ph.D.
Mindful Wellness, a Moment by Moment Practice

Heather Rice, Ph.D.

Director of Market Strategy & Research
Lambert by LLYC

Session Information
Mindfulness refers to a state of nonjudgmental, present-focused awareness. A growing body of research suggests mindfulness-based practices can have a positive effect on mental health and well-being. Studies have also found a mindfulness can improve the body’s natural immune response. We will discuss current psychological research on mindfulness illustrating these beneficial effects. In addition, attendees will learn different ways to incorporate mindfulness practices into their daily life. Attendees will also be led through a guided meditation and asked to reflect on their experience. 

This session will have two components. The first will focus on defining mindfulness and providing a brief introduction to research illustrating the benefits of practicing mindfulness, including its relationship with resilience. The second will focus on ways to incorporate mindfulness-based practices into one’s daily life, as well as sharing relevant resources. This section will include a guided meditation and chair yoga. Attendees will be asked to reflect on their experiences following these practices. Heather will lead the presentation more as a conversation than as a formal talk, allowing for questions and asking for audience input throughout. This session can serve as an introduction to the research on and practice of mindfulness for those who are interested in these topics, but who have not yet delved into them.
Heather is a research and strategy expert with over 20 years of experience providing data-driven insights and recommendations informed by the science of human behavior. She is currently Director of Market Strategy & Research at Lambert by LLYC, an integrated marketing agency, where she creates captivating messaging and translates complex ideas into clear, concise content for diverse audiences. She is an award-winning educator and author of several scientific publications on memory, neuroscience, and psychology. As an educator, she has provided training and instruction to thousands of individuals, incorporating inclusive design principles regardless of format. Before joining Lambert, Heather was an Assistant Dean and Teaching Professor at Washington University in St. Louis. There, she developed a community-based learning course called Mindfulness in Psychology and Eastern Philosophies, introducing adult learners to mindfulness-based practices. Heather is a Certified Yoga Teacher (200HR YTT), a Certified Diversity Professional, and currently serves on the board of IFM Community Medicine and as secretary of the Lambert Diversity Council. She has a Ph.D. in Psychological & Brain Sciences (specialization in human memory/cognitive neuroscience) from Duke University, a master’s degree in Psychological & Brain Sciences from Duke University, and a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Arizona State University.
Jenn Whitmer
Ancient Wisdom for Modern Leaders Workshop

Jenn Whitmer

Speaker, Consultant, Joy-Bringer
CEO & Founder
Consone Consulting

Session Information
If you want to be an effective and successful leader who creates an engaged and empowered team, you need one surprising foundational skill: healthy self-awareness.  

The No. 1 predictor of leadership success is healthy self-awareness. Leaders who actively grow in accurate self-awareness have less stress and anxiety, are more efficient and effective at work, create more engaged teams, and run more profitable companies.  

And yet, only around 10% of leaders have accurate self-awareness. 

In this session, you will learn exactly what self-awareness is, the most effective tool to gain accurate self-awareness (the Enneagram is the secret weapon), and how to actually use this information to be not only the best leader, but your best self.
Jenn Whitmer helps leaders with Joyosity™, creating positive culture with complex people. Through solving conflict, cultivating communication, and capitalizing on the uniqueness of each person, Jenn helps you create empowered teams. As an international keynote and TEDx speaker, consultant, Enneagram specialist, and joy-bringer, Jenn helps organizations retain employees, increase efficiency, and develop healthy culture so that work is a joy, people are whole, and organizations flourish. (Usually, that means a lot of laughter!)

Wellness Activities

Click on the photos below for additional information.

Breakout Session 1 Options

Cherie Jones
Essential Oils for Everyday Use

Cherie Jones

Session Information
Essential oils can be used for a variety of ailments and reasons from immune support to creating a spa-like experience during your next bath or shower. They can be used to create natural household cleaners, natural bug replant and even all natural cosmetic products. Beyond creating all-natural household products, essential oils can be used daily on their own to reduce stress, improve immune function, reduce cravings, promote energy, cognitive function and more. 
Cherie is a lifelong resident of the St. Louis area and retired early in 2020 (during the Great Resignation) from a career in Marketing and Enterprise Sales positions within the Telecom and Datacom worlds. Cherie began using essential oils in 2005 after a lifetime of sensitivity to chemicals and pharmaceuticals. She has been teaching others about the benefits of, and how to properly use, essential oils for almost two decades. Cherie is also an Usui Reiki Master (since 2007) and a Licensed Interfaith Minister (since 2008). Cherie has been doing energy work on herself and others since 2007 and recently conducted her first marriage ceremony as an ordained minister. Cherie spends her free time with her husband, stepchildren, step grandchildren, extended family, and friends; often traveling the world with many of them.
Jennifer Robinson

Jennifer Robinson
RYT-200, Certificate in Restorative Yoga, Holistic Wellness Enthusiast

Session Information
This approachable, all-levels, yin-inspired class will feature poses designed to activate the vagus nerve to stimulate the “rest and digest” power of the parasympathetic nervous system.  Expect to leave feeling restored and relaxed.  Although modifications will be cued throughout, feel free to bring 1-2 pillows/bolsters and/or a strap for additional support.
Jennifer is a firm believer in the application of yogic and ayurvedic practices to bring about positive mental, emotional, and physical change. A long-time yoga devotee, Jennifer earned her YA 200-hour certification at Yoga Now in Chicago under Amy Treciokas, part of the Sri K. Pattabhi Jois (Ashtanga) lineage, and later a certificate in Restorative Yoga under Abby Paloma at the Ananda Ashram in Monroe, New York.  Jennifer focuses her practice on proper alignment, somatic movement, and vagus nerve activation, and teaches the Power, Hot, and Restore formats at YogaSix.
Tim Lilly, Anna Allen, Katie Snyder
A Musical Guided Meditation Rooted in the Enneagram

Session Information

A transformative hour of self-discovery and serenity. Immerse yourself in a guided musical meditation deeply rooted in the wisdom of the Enneagram, an ancient system that illuminates the intricacies of human personality. 

This unique gathering promises to be a sacred space for self-discovery, healing, and connection. The synergy of Tim Lilly's harp, Anna Allen's violin and percussion, and Katie Snyder's spoken meditations will create an atmosphere that resonates with the essence of the Enneagram, offering a transformative experience for all who attend. 

This experience will set out your musical enchantment, spiritual exploration, and inner peace. Don't miss the opportunity to be part of this guided musical meditation—an extraordinary fusion of sound and spirituality that will leave you refreshed, inspired, and connected to the depths of your own being.
Tim Lilly
At the heart of this extraordinary event is Tim Lilly, the visionary creator of this immersive experience and a masterful harpist. Tim's ethereal melodies will guide you on a profound journey within, creating an atmosphere of tranquility and introspection.

Anna Allen
Accompanying Tim's celestial sounds are the enchanting notes of Anna Allen, a gifted violinist, and percussionist. Anna's musical prowess adds layers of emotion and depth to the meditation, enhancing the spiritual journey.

Katie Snyder
Adding a soulful touch to the experience is Katie Snyder, who will lead spoken meditations throughout the event. Katie's words will gently guide you, encouraging self-reflection and mindfulness, creating a harmonious blend of sound and introspection.


Breakout Session 2 Options

Cindy Bambini
Mat Magic: Sculpt, Stretch and Soar with Pilates

Cindy Bambini

Balanced Body certified Pilates Instructor 

Session Information
Curious about Pilates? Want to understand how it all started and what it can do for your mind + body?  Join Forum Member and Balanced Body certified Pilates Instructor, Cindy Bambini for a Mat Pilates class where we will learn all about the different types of Pilates classes, equipment and core sculpting, strength building and energy boosting exercises that are the foundation of this incredible practice.  I'm in my 10th year of practicing and my 8th year of instructing and can't wait to share one of my passions with my Forum friends. Please bring your own mat.
Cindy is the Director of Strategic Partnerships for TIE Engineering Consultants, a women-owned business enterprise specializing in technology design and master planning for the built environment. She holds a bachelor's in industrial engineering from Mizzou and an MBA from the Olin School of Business at Washington University in St. Louis. A mother of 4 adult children and grandmother to two, Cindy spends her free time with her family (preferably at her cabin in Ste Genevieve County), teaching Pilates, obsessing over her flower gardens and thinking about all the ways to make the third, third, of her life extraordinary. 
Dawn Gipson
Slow Flow Yoga

Dawn Gipson

Yoga Instructor

Session Information
Slow Flow Yoga is a gentle, meditative practice that emphasizes mindful movement and deep breathing. This class focuses on slow, deliberate transitions between poses, allowing for increased body awareness and relaxation. Ideal for all levels, it promotes flexibility, balance, and mental calm.
I’m a St. Louis native, wife, and mom of two girls. My yoga journey began nearly 20 years ago when a friend asked me to join her for a class. Initially, I was only mildly interested, but that first class was transformative. Juggling marriage, parenthood, and a career can add a few grays to the hairline, but yoga has helped me approach life with more focus and intention.

In the beginning, I found yoga intimidating. I wanted to be perfect, and I often beat myself if I couldn't do a split or some other complicated pose. It took years for me to learn to work with, not against, the person who shows up on the mat at any given moment.

I became a certified yoga teacher in 2016. I was honored to train with Dr. Jaime Sanchez of West-East Yoga in St. Louis, who provided me with a strong foundation in philosophy and anatomy. His training taught me that while yoga is universal, it’s definitely not a one-size-fits-all practice. We are all constant work in progress.

My goal as a yoga teacher is to help you embrace what yoga can be for you. The practice can be as flexible as you need it to be. We’ll use props and modifications, along with breathwork, to find a practice that is uniquely yours.


Leeny Hoffman
Grab and Go Wellness Tips

Leeny Hoffmann

Health and Wellness Coach

Session Information
In our fast paced, busy lives, it can feel challenging to do all the things that we know can help us feel our best.  There's also so much noise in the health and wellness space which can also feel paralyzing.  Do I eat eggs or don't I?  Is fat good or bad?  Should I do high intensity intervals, zone 2 cardio, or weightlifting?  Where does one even begin?

In this session, Leeny will share evidence-based strategies sure to get you feeling your best and offer "grab and go", take home advice for you to start implementing today that will surely make an immediate impact on your well being.  We will talk about the importance of eating nutrient dense foods, making sure to get plenty of the quality macronutrients (protein, fat and carbs) found in them to help you feel great.  You will learn why strength training matters more than ever and how incorporating more movement into your day can positively impact longevity. We will also touch on sleep, hydration, stress management and talk about the benefits of intermittent fasting.
Leeny Hoffmann is a national board certified health and wellness coach and certified FASTer Way coach. She has been helping women optimize their fitness and nutrition since becoming a CrossFit coach in 2009. She now focuses mostly on perimenopausal and menopausal women to help them look, feel and perform their best through all of life's transitions!


Breakout Session 3 Options

Rachel Hanson
Declutter Your Mind: Build Clarity from the Inside Out

Rachel Hanson

Built to Lead

A former 12-year college head coach at Dartmouth and Stanford, Rachel now builds into high performing leaders and their teams in corporate and athletic spaces, with an aim of chasing excellence in all areas of their life. Rachel’s on a mission to master the art of living and gets energy from building with and into other leaders who are wired for deep connection and high performance. Rachel wakes up every day stoked to live her dream and help others identify, create, and live out theirs.


Leeny Hoffman
Grab and Go Wellness Tips

Leeny Hoffman

Health and Wellness Coach

Session Information
In our fast paced, busy lives, it can feel challenging to do all the things that we know can help us feel our best.  There's also so much noise in the health and wellness space which can also feel paralyzing.  Do I eat eggs or don't I?  Is fat good or bad?  Should I do high intensity intervals, zone 2 cardio, or weightlifting?  Where does one even begin?

In this session, Leeny will share evidence-based strategies sure to get you feeling your best and offer "grab and go", take home advice for you to start implementing today that will surely make an immediate impact on your well being.  We will talk about the importance of eating nutrient dense foods, making sure to get plenty of the quality macronutrients (protein, fat and carbs) found in them to help you feel great.  You will learn why strength training matters more than ever and how incorporating more movement into your day can positively impact longevity. We will also touch on sleep, hydration, stress management and talk about the benefits of intermittent fasting.
Leeny Hoffmann is a national board certified health and wellness coach and certified FASTer Way coach. She has been helping women optimize their fitness and nutrition since becoming a CrossFit coach in 2009. She now focuses mostly on perimenopausal and menopausal women to help them look, feel and perform their best through all of life's transitions!


Diana Parra Perez
Sound Therapy/Meditation

Diana Parra Perez

Sound Therapy/Meditation

Session Information
Sound is not only perceived through the ear, but also by the body through vibrations from sound waves that travel through the air. In this session we will use Himalayan singing bowls, crystal bowls, a gong, chimes, and bells to promote a state of deep meditation/relaxation. Experience this session in a sitting meditation posture to let the sounds ground you in the present moment and support a meditative state, or laying down for a more restorative experience. It is perfectly normal to fall asleep during the session, however, you are also free to keep your eyes open if this feels better for you. Feel free to bring a meditation cushion, a yoga mat, pillows, blankets, an eye cover or pillow, anything that will support you in setting up a safe and restorative space for you. In this session you are your own and best guide! 
Diana C. Parra, is Assistant professor at the Brown School and associate director of WashU’s Center for the Study of Race, Ethnicity and Equity (CRE2). As co-lead of the Mindfulness Science and Practice Cluster, Dr. Parra helped launch the inaugural WashU Mindfulness Day in 2023 and has organized WashU’s Mindfulness and Anti-Racism speakers series for four consecutive years. She is an advanced yoga instructor, certified mindfulness facilitator and a vibrational sound therapy practitioner. 



Hotel Information

Hotel Room Booking
21c Museum Hotel is offering a special rate for Forum members - $169.00/night. To take advantage of this special rate, use this link to book your room before Friday, October 4th, 2024: https://book.passkey.com/e/50847404

To learn more about 21c Museum Hotel, click here: www.21cmuseumhotels.com/stlouis/

Parking Information
  • Overnight Hotel Valet: $35.00
  • Street Parking: Self-Pay

Click Here to Register!