May Blog: Unleashing Influence: Amplify the Power of Your Voice in Leadership by Authoring a Book

May Blog: Unleashing Influence: Amplify the Power of Your Voice in Leadership by Authoring a Book
Featuring: Nancy Erickson

In an era where women's voices are increasingly resonant in the halls of power, writing a book remains a potent tool for leadership and influence. For professional women, authoring a book is not just sharing knowledge; it's a strategic maneuver in the art of leadership. It's a declaration of authority, an extension of influence, and a profound method for impacting lives. 

The Why: Amplify Impact and Elevate Your Professional Profile

Publishing a book elevates a professional woman from the realm of expertise to that of thought leadership. It's a tangible demonstration of your depth of knowledge, your unique perspectives, and your commitment to contributing to the broader dialogue in your field. This not only amplifies your voice but solidifies your status as a leader and can open doors to new opportunities, networks, and platforms that were formerly inaccessible.

In a professional landscape that often underrepresents women's achievements and leadership capabilities, a book is a testament to your contributions and expertise. It's a platform that allows for the unfiltered expression of ideas, challenges the status quo, and inspires others by example. For women in leadership, this is not just about personal or professional gain; it's about setting a precedent for the generations that follow, showing them that their voices, too, deserve to be heard on the stage of global discourse.

The What: Professional and Personal Transformation

Publishing a book goes beyond professional elevation. It's a transformative journey that enhances your personal brand and allows for a deeper connection with your audience. This connection fosters trust and credibility, turning readers into advocates for your vision and mission. Further, it positions you as a key player in your industry, someone who doesn't just navigate the currents of change but creates them herself.

The act of writing also clarifies your thoughts and refines your message, which sharpens your leadership and communication skills. It forces you to articulate complex ideas in accessible language and makes your message relatable to a wider audience, invaluable assets in any leader's toolkit.

Before You Write: Considerations for Aspiring Authors

Writing a book requires thoughtful consideration. Before you write, reflect on your purpose. What message do you want to share, and why is it important? Who is your audience, and how can your story or insights benefit them? Consider the legacy you wish to leave through your words. Who do you most want to influence?

Also, evaluate the resources at hand. Writing a book take time, energy, and, a financial investment. Before you start, be sure you have the necessary support systems in place, whether it’s editorial help, publishing guidance, or emotional support from peers and mentors.

The Importance for Women: A Call to Action

For women, publishing is not just an individual achievement; it's a collective step forward. In a world hungry for diverse perspectives and leadership styles, the insights and experiences of professional women are invaluable. Your book can challenge stereotypes, inspire change, and empower others to pursue their aspirations. It's a vehicle for mentorship, a way to extend your influence beyond your immediate circle, and a means to contribute to the global conversation on leadership, equity, and success.

To the professional women poised on the brink of authorship: your voice matters. Your experiences, insights, and leadership can inspire, influence, and ignite change. Consider the power of your message, the breadth of your impact, and the legacy you wish to create. Publishing a book is a journey of transformation, not just for you but for all who will be touched by your words. Embrace the challenge, for in the act of writing, you have the power to reshape the world. 

Below are some steps to get you started:

1. Clarify Your Vision

Before you dive into writing, take the time to clarify your book's purpose and target audience. Understanding what you want to achieve and who you're writing for will guide your content, structure, and marketing strategy.

Action Steps:

  • Define your book's main message.

  • Identify your target audience and their needs or interests.

  • Determine how your book will stand out in your genre or field.

2. Plan and Map Out Your Book Content

A solid plan and a clear outline serve as the foundation of your book. This step can save you time in the writing process and help keep your content focused and organized.

Action Steps:

  • Create a detailed BookMAP, breaking down the key points or narratives you'll cover.

  • Set a realistic writing schedule, allocating regular time slots for writing sessions.

3. Write Your Manuscript

With your BookMAP in hand, start writing your manuscript. Focus on getting your ideas down first; editing comes later. Consistency and perseverance are your best allies during this phase.

Action Steps:

  • Write regularly, even if it's just a small amount each day.

  • Don't worry about perfection in the first draft. The goal is to complete the manuscript.

4. Edit and Revise

Editing is crucial to polishing your manuscript. This phase can involve multiple rounds of revisions to refine your content, improve clarity, and ensure your book is engaging.

Action Steps:

  • Start with a self-edit, focusing on big-picture elements like structure, flow, and coherence.

  • Hire a professional editor for developmental editing (big picture revisions) and copyediting (grammar, punctuation, and style).

5. Design Your Book

A professional-looking book design, both for the cover and the interior, is essential for attracting readers. The cover is particularly important as it's the first thing potential readers will see.

Action Steps:

  • Hire a professional cover designer to create a visually appealing and genre-appropriate cover.

  • Ensure the interior layout is professional, readable, and formatted correctly for your publishing platform.

6. Choose Your Publishing Route

Decide whether you want to pursue traditional publishing, hybrid publishing, or self-publishing. Each has its benefits and challenges, so choose the path that best aligns with your goals, resources, and timeline.

Action Steps:

  • For traditional publishing, research agents or publishers in your genre and prepare a compelling query letter and proposal.

  • For a hybrid publisher, consider Stonebrook Publishing

  • For self-publishing, explore platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, Barnes & Noble Press, or IngramSpark for print-on-demand services.

7. Develop a Marketing Plan

Your book's success depends significantly on your marketing efforts before and after its launch. Start building your platform early to engage your target audience.

Action Steps:

  • Create a marketing plan that includes a book launch timeline, promotional activities, and audience engagement strategies.

  • Use social media, email newsletters, and an author website to build anticipation and connect with potential readers.

8. Publish and Promote Your Book

Once your book is ready, it's time to publish. Follow the submission guidelines carefully if you're going the traditional route or the publishing platform's requirements for self-publishing.

Action Steps:

  • Organize a launch event, whether virtual or in-person, to celebrate and promote your book.

  • Encourage reviews, utilize book promotion sites, and engage in author interviews or guest blogging to increase visibility.

9. Evaluate and Adapt

After your book is published, monitor its performance and gather feedback. Use this information to adapt your marketing strategies and plan future projects.

Action Steps:

  • Analyze sales data and reader reviews to understand what's working and what's not.

  • Engage with your readers through social media or author events to maintain interest and build a loyal fan base.


Publishing your first book is a journey of transformation, not just for your manuscript but for you as an author. It requires dedication, patience, and a willingness to learn and adapt. By following this practical guide, you're well on your way to turning your dream into a reality. Remember, every successful author once published their first book. Now, it's your turn to share your story with the world.

Of course, I can help you do everything included in the list above starting with your original idea, to writing, editing, publishing, marketing, and distributing your book worldwide. I work with high-net-worth individuals, influencers, business authorities, and celebrities and offer them a white-glove experience to become a thought leader and published author.

About the Author: 

Nancy Erickson provides elite, white-glove consultancy and publishing services to visionary executives eager to share their insights, elevate their prestige, and leave a lasting legacy. With an award-winning background as an author and the founder of Stonebrook Publishing, she stands at the forefront of the publishing industry, dedicated to elevating leaders through the power of the written word. Erickson is the owner of two book-related businesses, The Book Professor® and Stonebrook Publishing, an award-winning nonfiction publishing house. She was awarded Book Publisher of the Year 2023-2024 by the Best of the Best International Award Program. In 2023, she was awarded the Non-Fiction Author Coach of the Year for 2023 from New World Report (formed from the merger of US Business News and Latin America News). In 2022, she was named a Top 10 Book Coach in the US by The Coach Federation, and she has received various other awards from other organizations.

The Book Professor

Stonebrook Publishing
